Photo by Lesley Foster
First Field Farm Riding School

First Field Farm is now certified by the US Hunter Jumper Association as a Recognized Riding Academy. Come take a lesson on one of our safe, reliable, beloved school horses! Scroll down for profiles on our horses.
What to Expect
Lessons at FFF Riding School are 30 minute private or 45-60 minute group lessons. We believe in teaching our students horsemanship skills that accompany riding, so we ask our students to arrive 30 minutes early to learn to get their horse ready, as well as stay 30 minutes after their lesson to put their horse away. We have a 24 hour cancelation policy if a make-up lesson is desired.
What to Wear:
We require all students to wear an ASTM/SEI approved riding helmets while mounted and working around our horses. We also require long pants, either riding breeches or jeans, as well boots with a low heel. Recommended equipment includes tall boots, half or full chaps, riding gloves and a riding crop.
Our Pricing:
Introductory Lesson: $100; includes 30 minutes mounted instruction, 30 minutes of instruction on how to groom/prepare horse for lesson
Individual lesson: $80
Monthly Tuition:
1 Lesson per week: $300/month (4 lessons)
2 Lessons per week: $600/month (8 lessons)
Our Horses

JJ is a 15.2 hand, chestnut Thoroughbred gelding. JJ came to us from another local show barn, Edmonton Farms. He is sweet and loves group lessons with our intermediate and advanced students. JJ is wonderful at teaching our students how to jump courses effectively. JJ is forward and loves doing his job, he has a great work ethic!
JJ's favorite activity is falling asleep in the cross ties.

Westin is a 16.2 hand, bay, Selle Francais gelding. After an illustrious show career in the 1.30 meter jumpers and the equitation ring, Westin became a school horse here at FFF. Westin is one our most steady and kind horses. He especially loves teaching and cuddling with his children! Westin teaches students ranging from first time riders to riders learning to jump cross rails.
Westin's favorite activity is snuggling!

Pickles is a 16 year old, 16 hand dark bay Argentinian Warmblood gelding. Pickles loves teaching our more advanced students both on the flat and over jumps. He is calm and and would prefer to amble along gently with his rider. He is light and very easy to jump!
Pickles's favorite thing to do is trail ride!

Captain Jack Sparrow or "Jack" for short is a bay large pony, from Team McAllister, a show barn in the Los Angeles area. Jack is both wonderfully behaved for our young riders to learn on and large enough to carry adult riders.
Jack's favorite thing to do is play follow the leader!

"Pageantry" or PJ for short is the newest addition to the First Field Farm riding school family. PJ is 16.0 hand gelding, plenty tall enough to take care of our adult riders, but gentle enough for the smallest of children.
PJ is a Canadian Thoroughbred who came to us from the Polo Training Fields. He has competed previously in the hunters and equitation, but now loves the slower pace of his new life. He has smooth and steady gates and a really easy and fun jump!
PJ's favorite thing to do is get attention!